End-to-End Deployment using Azure Developer CLI

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Deployment Steps
  3. Common Issues
  4. Customizing or Configuring AZD Deployments
  5. CI/CD with Azure Developer CLI (azd)
  6. Required Secrets for Federated Workload Identities
  7. Verify Deployment
  8. Troubleshooting

This guide covers how to deploy the project end-to-end with Azure Developer CLI (azd).


  1. Azure Role Permissions (Subscription Scope)
    • You need Contributor to provision resources.
    • You need User Access Administrator to assign roles to managed identities.
  2. Install Azure Developer CLI
  3. Initialize Environment
    • Run azd init to prepare your environment.
      • Be sure to select “Use code in the current directory”

Deployment Steps

  1. Adjust Infra Config [Optional]
    • You can use the variables provided in the defaults in infra/main.parameters.json, or you can choose to provide your own desired values.
    Main Deployment Parameters (main.bicep)
    Parameter name Required Description Example
    environmentName Yes Name of the environment that can be used as part of naming resource convention dev
    location Yes Primary location for all resources. Not all regions are supported due to OpenAI limitations eastus
    frontendExists No Flag to indicate if Frontend app image exists. This is managed by AZD false
    backendExists No Flag to indicate if Backend app image exists. This is managed by AZD false
    priorAuthName No Name for the PriorAuth resource and used to derive the name of dependent resources. priorAuth
    tags No Tags to be applied to all resources { environment: 'dev', location: 'eastus' }
    openAiApiVersion No API Version of the OpenAI API 2024-08-01-preview
    chatCompletionModels No List of completion models to be deployed to the OpenAI account. [ { name: 'o1', version: '2024-12-17', skuName: 'Standard', capacity: 100 } ]
    embeddingModel No List of embedding models to be deployed to the OpenAI account. { name: 'text-embedding-3-large', version: '1', skuName: 'Standard', capacity: 50 }
    embeddingModelDimension No Embedding model size for the OpenAI Embedding deployment 3072
    storageBlobContainerName No Storage Blob Container name to land the files for Prior Auth default

    Note: If you don’t have access to the o1 model yet, try using the gpt-4o configuration for the chatCompletionModels

         "chatCompletionModels": {
           "value": [
               "name": "gpt-4o",
               "version": "2024-08-06",
               "skuName": "Standard",
               "capacity": 100
  2. Deploy
    • Use azd up to provision and deploy.
    • If you want to deploy only a specific service, use azd deploy <service> (e.g., azd deploy frontend).
    • This provisions defined resources in infra/main.bicep and deploys services defined in azure.yaml, generating a .env file for local development.
  3. Verify Deployment
    • Run azd show to confirm resources and endpoints.

Customizing or Configuring AZD Deployments

  • Workflow Definition
    • azure.yaml: Controls azd behavior, hooks, infrastructure definition, and app deployment.
  • Pre/Post Scripts
  • Infrastructure
  • Application Definitions
    • Apps map to provisioned resources via tags, referencing service names in azure.yaml.
    • For testing only the application layer, use azd deploy <service>.

CI/CD with Azure Developer CLI (azd)

You can automate deployment with azd-generated pipelines.

  1. Create a Pipeline
    • Run azd pipeline config to generate pipeline files for GitHub Actions.
  2. Use Existing Pipelines

Required Secrets for Federated Workload Identities

Refer to Azure GitHub OIDC docs for creating these values.

Add these secrets and variables to your GitHub repository under “Secrets and variables” → “Actions”:


  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: Client ID of your Service Principal/Managed Identity (e.g., 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: Your Azure Tenant ID (e.g., 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
  • AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: Your Azure Subscription ID (e.g., 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)


  • AZURE_ENV_NAME: Specifies the Azure Developer CLI environment name (e.g dev)
  • AZURE_LOCATION: Specifies the Azure region to deploy to (e.g eastus2)
name: Azure Developer CLI Deploy

        - main

     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        AZURE_CLIENT_ID: "$"
        AZURE_TENANT_ID: "$"
        AZURE_ENV_NAME: "$"
        AZURE_LOCATION: "$"
        - name: Checkout
          uses: actions/checkout@v4
        - name: Install azd
          uses: Azure/setup-azd@v1.0.0
        - name: Log in with Azure (Federated Credentials)
          run: |
             azd auth login `
                --client-id "$Env:AZURE_CLIENT_ID" `
                --federated-credential-provider "github" `
                --tenant-id "$Env:AZURE_TENANT_ID"
          shell: pwsh
        - name: Provision Infrastructure
          id: provision
          run: azd up --no-prompt

Verify Deployment

After deployment, visit the service endpoints returned by azd show.


  1. Authentication Errors
    • Ensure that your Azure CLI is logged in with the correct account.
      • run az account show to check your local azure credentials
      • run az login or azd auth login to refresh your credentials
    • Verify that the service principal or managed identity has the necessary permissions.
  2. Resource Provisioning Failures
    • Check the Azure portal for any resource-specific error messages under the deployments tab.
    • Ensure that your subscription has sufficient quota and that the region supports the requested resources.

      Azure Portal Resource Group Deployment

  3. Configuration Errors
    1. Check the AI Search Service
      • Verify if the index has been properly created by checking the Indexes, Indexer, and Data Source tabs.
      • Ensure the managed identity used by the AI Search service has Storage Blob Data Reader or higher level of access to the storage account.
      • If no documents are populated, and there aren’t any Indexes, Indexers, or Data Sources populated, then the Container App Job may have failed.
        • To retry or debug the Container App Job: Azure Portal Container App Job Retry
  4. Pipeline Failures
    • Check the pipeline logs for detailed error messages.
    • Ensure that all required secrets and variables are correctly configured in your GitHub repository.
  5. Application Errors
    • View the detailed logs of the Container App:
      • First, navigate to either the Logs or Log Stream Azure Portal Container App Logs Navigation1

        • Log Stream will stream the live data from your container, however when there are issues with the container itself, you may not be able to see the console log due to the container being in a failed state.

        • Logs will display all of your system and console logs, but there is a minor delay in the data.

          Azure Portal Getting Logs

For more detailed troubleshooting steps, refer to the specific service documentation linked in the Troubleshooting section.

If you encounter issues:

For more on azd projects, see Azure Developer CLI docs.